After application of the Science Research Management Office Automation System, our hospital realize automation in the science research management, and the management of science research articles has been more rational, the appraisement of achievement and effect in science research has also been more accurate. 科研管理办公自动化系统应用后,实现了项目管理的全域网络化和自动化,增强了科研论文管理的科学性,使科技绩效考评更科学、准确。
With the development of the computer network technology, more and more software can support diversity task. It is necessary to take advantage of using the advanced computer science and technology, so as to achieve the informatization of military command, equipment management and daily office. 计算机网络技术的发展对对遂行多样化任务提供了更多的软件支持,利用先进的计算机科学技术实现军队指挥自动化,主战装备信息化,军队日常业务办公信息化已经是发展的必然。