In the world, Common law countries had acknowledged the independent existence of space property right on the Council. Civil law countries are to explore the theoretical of spaces property rights. 在世界范围内,英美法系国家在立法上已经承认了空间所有权的独立存在,而大陆法系国家正在从理论上进行着探索与尝试。
Everyone enters the complex in the same space to fnd the public library and the council chamber library. 每个人都进入复杂的同样的空间亮灯公共图书馆和理事会室库。
The INMARSAT space segment shall be open for use by ships of all nations on conditions to be determined by the Council. 国际海事卫星组织的空间段应按理事会所决定的条件,向所有国家的船舶开放使用。