It can support to produce tankers, chemical vessels, and bulk carriers, container vessels, engineering ships, naval vessels and various types of scientific research vessel and so on. 可以配套油轮、化学品船、散货船、集装箱船、工程船、各类舰艇和科学考察船等。
The Turkish government has signed its own exploration deal with Turkish-controlled northern Cyprus, and dispatched a research vessel and several gunboats to the area. 土耳其政府与被土耳其控制的北塞浦路斯人签署了自己的探测协议,并且还派遣了一艘调查船和几艘炮艇去到这个地区。
A team of archaeologists with the Black Sea Project lowers a remotely operated submersible named Little Hercules from a research vessel. 肩负着黑海科研工程的考古学家小组将一个可远程控制的名为“小力士”的潜水器从科研船上降入水中。
However, the research vessel will expand to a 6-member crew on 4th, April, after 3 others arrive on board the Soyuz space craft. 但是到4月4号,另外3名宇航员将搭载联盟号宇宙飞船登上宇宙空间站,那时,空间站上的成员就增加到6名了。
Marine hydrometeorological research vessel 海洋水文气象调查船