The forecast itself, the forecasts are accurate or not, are often associated with the information and data related to the close, the prediction center national ocean observing system is also a summary of the data one of the nodes. 就预报本身而言,预报的准确与否往往与得到的信息与数据相关密切,因此预报中心同时也是全国海洋观测系统(OOS)数据的汇总节点之一。
Global Ocean Observing System(OOS) and its Implementation in China 全球海洋观测系统(OOS)及我们的对策初探
Argo profiling float is the main equipment in the global ocean real-time observing system named Argo project. Argo剖面浮标是Argo全球海洋实时观测网建设中的主要观测设备。
Web Services-based System Integrating Technology is a new service oriented technique. The author introduces and analyses its characteristic and predominance, and shows the necessity of the use in the Ocean Observing and Information System. 基于WEBService的系统集成技术是一项新的面向服务的应用集成技术,文章在介绍、分析其特点与优势的同时,提出了在海洋监测系统中应用的必要性。
It is the first job to establish ocean observing and monitoring system in China, which is also the requirement of the marine development and environment protection in our country. 根据海洋减灾防灾工作的需要,建设与发展中国海洋环境观测系统已成我国海洋事业发展的当务之急。