Both teams used a high-resolution ion microprobe and a mass spectrometer to analyze the crystals. 两研究小组都用了高清晰度离子探针和一组分光计来分析水晶。
The quadrupole mass spectrometer is therefore applied to the high-power klystron to record the residua. 四极质谱仪(MS)应用在大功率速调管上,记录了真空系统中残余气体的谱图。
Mass Spectrometry Instruments Ltd ( MSI ) specializes in high performance magnetic sector double focusing mass spectrometer Instruments. 质谱分析仪器有限公司(微星)专门从事高性能磁业双聚焦质谱仪(MS)仪器。
Very importantly, there is a vacuum chamber with high vacuum pumps and electronics to run the mass spectrometer. 拥有真空泵和电子装置的真空室质谱仪(MS)运行中重要组成部分。
The application of Mass spectrometer in planetary atmosphere and soil analysis 质谱计在行星大气和土壤成份分析中的应用