At the front line, the office usually has a complex division of labor, according to Yu. 据余良德说,在基层工作,单位里面通常分工复杂。
Life in the United States is too closed, the front line every day office life difficult two apartments to meet new people. 在美国的生活太封闭了,每天办公室公寓两点一线的生活方式很难认识新的人。
When you sign the stamp signature line in an office document, you add both a visible stamp and a digital signature. 在office文档中签署图章签名行时,将同时添加可见图章和数字签名。
It's not very exciting to wait in line at the post office. 在邮局排着队等可不是什么好玩的事情。
How often do you stand tapping your foot in a line at the post office or bank? 在邮局或者银行,你也是否经常排着队用脚打着拍子?