I wish to congratulate you on your being elected as President of the General Assembly(GA). 我谨祝贺你当选本届大会(GA)主席。
These diplomatic skills led to her appointment as the President of the United Nations General Assembly(GA). 凭借这些外交手腕,她被任命为联合国大会(GA)的主席。
The General Assembly(GA) may limit the time to be allowed to each speaker. 大会(GA)可限制每一发言者的发言时间。
Ensure that the General Assembly(GA) adopt a resolution not less strong than those passed at the previous sessions. 争取联大通过的决议基调不低于去年。
Decisions of the General Assembly(GA) on important questions shall be made by a two-thirds majority of the members present and voting. 大会(GA)对于重要问题的决定,应由出席并参加表决的会员国2/3多数决定。