An aviation division generally has under its command two to three aviation regiments and related stations. The aviation regiment is the basic tactical unit. 航空兵师一般下辖2个至3个航空兵团和驻地场站,航空兵团是基本战术单位。
Aviation Division(AD) vigorously forges the spirit of " fighting alone " 航空兵某师大力培养飞行员“孤胆作战”精神
The researching object is the fighting force of an air force aviation division. The author takes general investigation to all the underling units, officers and soldiers. 本文的研究对象为空军航空兵某师作战部队;本研究采取普查的方法,对该部队的所有下属单位和全体官兵逐个进行调查。
Railways, aviation, these marketing strategies to take on the highway a short, medium and long-distance passenger transport market, causing varying degrees of impact, respectively, in the continued division of highway passenger transport market share. 铁路、航空采取的这些营销策略对公路短、中、长途客运市场分别造成不同程度的冲击,在不断分割着公路客运市场的份额。