Once this setup is done, the batch file or shell script is run to start the collection. 完成了此设置后,就可以运行批处理文件或外壳脚本(SH)来开始收集工作了。
I find that type gives me more precise information, which I sometimes need in a shell script. 我发现type为我提供了更准确的信息,我需要在某个shell脚本中使用到。
Users can select and deselect files and click Submit to activate the rsync shell script. 用户可以选择和取消选择文件,并通过单击Submit激活rsyncshell脚本。
This file is a simple Linux shell script that contains all commands for loading device drivers to system memory. 此文件是包含将设备驱动程序载入到系统内存中的所有命令的简单Linuxshell脚本。
You can also follow feeds from Twitter and FriendFeed manually and by using a simple shell script. 您也可以从Twitter和FriendFeed手动地跟踪feed,或者使用一个简单的shell脚本跟踪feed。