Also, the signature applies to any exact digital replica of the document. 同样,签名适用于文件的任何相同的数字副本。
For the user to work with a local mail replica, modify the Location document within the Personal Address Book to use local resources on the workstation versus the server-based resources. 对于准备使用本地邮件副本的用户,请修改PersonalAddressBook中的Location文档,以便使用工作站上的本地资源和基于服务器的资源。
Derived from the results of mathematical analyses, a set of algorithms for replica managements are designed, aiming at improving the document security. 基于函数分析的结果,设计了一套旨在提高文档真实性的副本管理算法集合。
If the user is in a local replica, but has connectivity to the server, you must find the server replica so that you can use the agent and parameter document in that replica. 如果用户在使用本地副本,但是还没有连接到服务器,您必须找到该服务器副本,才能使用该副本中的代理和参数文档。