The UNIX equivalent of a.dll file in Windows is a shared object (. so ) file. 对于Windows中的.dll文件,UNIX的等价物是共享对象(.so)文件。
In the UNIX world, executable files are object files, and you can examine them as you did the a.out file. 在UNIX中,可执行文件是目标文件,并且您可以像对a.out文件那样对它们进行分析。
As you probably know, UNIX systems record an atime, or access time, for each object on the filesystem that gets updated every time a file is read. 您可能知道,UNIX系统为文件系统上的每一个对象记录一个atime,或称为访问时间,每次读取文件时,atime都会被更新。