And what difference will this new info make? 得到新的信息将会有什么差别呢?
So how can you put this new info to good use in your healthy diet? 那么你怎么把这个好消息充分应用在你的健康食谱上呢?
What's missing is changing the board-level plan based on the new info that board members are getting more quickly. 根据董事会成员更快得到的新信息(NEW),改变董事会层面的计划。
In addition, the preview for the next issue ( April ) makes no indication of any new info either, just promises for more SSR3 coverage. 此外,下期(即四月)的预览中似乎也没有关于此事的新消息,只是答应放出更多关于SSR3的新闻。