The archive file includes the Java Archive ( JAR ) file and other library files you 'll need. 该归档文件中包括JavaArchive(JAR)文件和需要的其他库文件。
To run this tool, make sure the following Java Archive ( JAR ) files are in your classpath. 要运行此工具,请确保类路径中存在以下Java存档(JavaArchive,JAR)文件。
The metadata can be created by using a wizard and simply pointing to a library Java archive ( JAR ) file, then you can edit it with a specialized editor and share with other developers. 这个元数据可以通过一个向导并简单地指向一个组件库Javaarchive(JAR)文件就可以创建,然后您就可以利用一个特殊的编辑器进行编辑,并将它与其它开发人员一起共享。
The Java application logic is made available to the mobile application in a Java archive library. Java应用程序逻辑以Java归档文件库的形式供移动应用程序使用。
For example, you can use an Ant script to build and deploy a Java Archive ( JAR ) file containing the project's classes whenever a project is rebuilt. 例如,只要项目被重新构建,您就可以使用Ant脚本构建和部署包含项目的类的JavaArchive(JAR)文件。