If IDA were to be shell shared with Optim Database Administrator ( ODA ), the DBA using ODA could benefit by this naming convention rule to avoid creating objects in the database that are not standard. 如果IDA与OptimDatabaseAdministrator(ODA)共享shell,使用ODA的DBA就可以利用命名约定规则避免在数据库中创建不标准的对象。
With the new support in IDA, data architects and database administrators can define the appropriate data privacy policies and rules needed to protect confidential and personally identifiable data. 通过使用IDA中的新支持,数据架构师和数据库管理员可以定义合适的数据隐私策略和规则,从而为机密和个人隐私信息提供保护。
Using IDA, the data architect creates a physical data model for a particular database connection. 数据架构师可以使用IDA为特定的数据库连接创建一个物理数据模型。