When a server entry is not in the OK state, it is shown in red, thanks to a class definition in the CSS file. 借助CSS文件内的类定义,当服务器条目没有处于OK状态时,它就会被显示为红色。
To resolve this condition, the web service must be defined within a single class definition in a separate code file or " code-behind " file. 若要解决此问题,必须在单独的代码文件或“代码隐藏”文件中的单个类定义中定义web服务。
In this case, the script was named BusinessObjects. groovy, so the code not contained in a class definition was then compiled into a.class file named BusinessObjects. 在这个例子中,脚本被命名为BusinessObjects.groovy,所以,类定义中没有包含的代码被编译到一个名为BusinessObjects的.class文件。
Creates an Action class and adds an action mapping definition to the configuration file. 创建一个Action类,并向配置文件中添加一个操作映射的定义。
The only IBM Mashup Center product limitation is that the main class ( defined in the attribute value of the definition file ) must be a Dojo class. IBMMashupCenter唯一的产品限制是主类(在定义文件的属性值中定义)必须是一个Dojo类。