This model was validated by comparing the average stiffness tested in flexion and extension, left lateral bending, and left axial rotation under physiological loading with the corresponding in vitro experimental data and finite element analysis data published by other scholars. 模型的验证是通过计算在屈伸、侧弯、轴向旋转加载条件下的平均刚度值,并与以往学者实验模型及有限元模型的分析结果相比较,分析其符合程度。
The ranges of coupled axial rotational motion of flexion, extension, left lateral bending, and right lateral bending were, 12.42,16.14, 22.07 and 22.48 degrees respectively. 寰枢关节屈曲,后伸,左右侧屈主运动时伴有明显耦合旋转运动,其范围分别是12.42°,16.14°,22.07°,22.48°。
Simulate the lumbar spine front flexion, back extension, and left / right lateral bending movement in the three-dimensional laser scanner, and the rotation motion in the vertical axis in the mechanical properties of biological materials tester. 在三维激光扫描仪上模拟腰椎的前屈后伸、左右侧弯运动,在生物材料力学特性试验仪上模拟腰椎在纵轴上的旋转运动。