Although assumptions must necessarily be made regarding the functionality of Customer Premises(CP) Equipment ( CPE ), specific requirements for CPE are outside the scope of this Recommendation. 虽然必须对客户端设备(CPE)的功能提出假设,但对CPE的功能的具体要求不在本建议范围之内。
The traditional PSTN was based on an analog connection between the customer premises and the local exchange, also called the local loop. 传统的PSTN是建基于客户住宅及本地交换机楼之间的一个类比连接,亦称为本地回圈。
Media gateways can either reside at the very edges of the public network at the customer premises or in a central office. 介质网关或是在客户办公室的公共电话网的边沿、或是在电话局内。
Hence, a new kind of operator, operator of broadband customer premises network, come into being. 由此产生了一类新兴运营商&宽带用户驻地网运营商。
The Application of Performance Management in Customer Premises(CP) Network 性能管理在驻地网中的应用