This is important because dysfunction in vasomotor tone is thought to cause high blood pressure. 这是重要的,因为血管紧张性的异常被认为是引起高血压的原因。
The vascular endothelium controls vasomotor tone and microvascular flow and regulates trafficking of nutrients and biologically active molecules. 血管内皮控制血管伸缩性,微血管血流量及调控营养因子和生物活性分子间交换。
However, recent studies have demonstrated that even during ischemia, the coronary resistance vessels often retain some degree of vasomotor tone and can respond to vasodilators stimuli to cause vasodilatation of the microvasculature ( arteriole and micro-artery ), especially in arteriole. 最近的研究发现,缺血并不能造成最大程度的舒张,且许多血管舒张剂对缺血部位的冠状小动脉及微动脉,尤其是小动脉仍有很强的舒张作用。
Besides its action on vasomotor tone regulation, nitric oxide ( NO ) is recognized to be an anti-inflammatory molecule. 一氧化氮(No)是体内重要的气体信使分子,不仅能调节血管张力,还被认为是一种抗炎分子;
Role of caudal pressor area of medulla oblongata in vasomotor tone of peripheral vessels 延髓背外侧综合征大鼠延髓尾端加压区对外周血管紧张的影响