The redness of umbilicus diminished gradually after laparotomy. 肚脐(UMB)发红的情况在剖腹手术后逐渐消失。
Comparison the effect of umbilical cord alcohol disinfection and non-disinfection on peripheral umbilicus flora 应用酒精消毒脐(UMB)带与不消毒对脐(UMB)周菌群的影响
A caudal ventral midline coeliotomy from umbilicus to pubis should be performed. 由脐(UMB)到耻骨之腹中线作腹部切开。
Attached to the umbilicus is a ball of energy, like a fetal body in a sack of water but more energy than form. 连接到中心的是一个球形的能量,就像一个胎儿在羊水中,但是更多的能量。
Cardiac pain is transmitted to the cerebral cortex along autonomic nerve fibers and has a variable referral area that can extend from the ear to the umbilicus. 心脏性疼痛沿着自主神经纤维传到大脑皮层,其范围可自耳部延伸至脐(UMB)部。