Cloning and sequence analysis of gonadotropin-releasing hormone and GnRH associated peptide in Danio rerio 斑马鱼促性腺激素释放激素(GNRH)及相关肽基因的克隆与序列分析
Effect of the gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogue triptorelin on the occurrence of chemotherapy-induced early menopause in premenopausal women with breast cancer : a randomized trial. 单侧未降睾丸术前新辅助促性腺激素释放激素(GNRH)疗法和对生育指标的影响:一项前瞻性随机试验。
Common hormone treatments such as gonadotropin-releasing hormone agents ( Gn-RHa ) may likely restrict women from becoming pregnant during treatment. 常用的荷尔蒙疗法,如促性腺激素-释放荷尔蒙介质(Gn-RHa),会在治疗期间限制女性的怀孕。
Comparison of a gonadotropin-releasing hormone ( GnRH ) antagonist and GnRH agonist short protocol in poor responders undergoing controlled ovarian hyperstimulation The effect of low-dose hCG in high responders on the results of IVF 比较GnRH拮抗剂与GnRHA短方案在卵巢低反应患者超促排卵中的应用超促排卵周期的卵巢高反应者减量应用hCG对体外受精的影响
Advances on gonadotropin-releasing hormone research THE MECHANISM OF GNRH ACTION GnRH的研究进展促性腺素释放激素(GnRH)的作用机制