He underwent electroshock therapy and fled for a while to Europe, sending cryptic postcards to colleagues and family members. 之后他又接受了多次住院治疗。在经过电击疗法(EST)后,他远避到欧洲一段时间,其间寄送了含义不明的明信片给同事和家人。
Mental institutions and electroshock therapy failed to cure him, and for much of the next three decades, Nash wandered freely on the Princeton campus, scribbling idly on empty blackboards and staring blankly ahead in the library. 精神病院、电击疗法(EST)都没能治愈纳什。在随后的三十年间,他游荡在普林斯顿的校园里,或在空黑板上涂鸦,或在图书馆中发呆。
Electroconvulsive, or electroshock, therapy involves passing an electric current through the patient's head between two electrodes placed over the temples and thus causing a convulsive seizure; 电击疗法(EST)是在双颞部各放置一块电极板,通以交流电,使意识立即丧失并引起抽搐发作。