Functional electrical stimulation ( FES ) refers to the muscle contraction by electrical stimulation, which can compensate for the loss of body function for nerve injury. 功能性电刺激(FunctionalElectricalStimulation,FES)是近来逐渐兴起的一种电刺激治疗技术,通过电流刺激肌肉收缩,从而代偿因神经损伤失去的机体功能。
By adjusting the parameters of electrical stimulation to observe the response of different pinnae muscle for it, and measure the threshold value of pinnae muscles to electrical stimulation. Using the value as references for FES systems to stimulate paralyzed pinnae muscles. 4. 通过调整电刺激参数,观察不同耳廓肌对电刺激的反应,测得耳廓肌电刺激阈值,为FES系统刺激瘫痪耳廓肌提供数据参考。