Facilities for people with disabilities are still insufficient. 供伤残人士使用的设施仍然匮乏。
Disability(DB) can make extra demands on financial resources. 残障人士会需要更多的财政资源。
For a child to be born with this disability indicates a defect in obstetric care. 孩子出生时就带有这样的残疾(DB),这表明产科护理有问题。
The industrial injuries scheme takes into account the actual disability and whether it handicaps a person in working. 工伤赔偿方案要考虑实际残疾(DB)情况以及残疾(DB)是否会影响其工作能力。
This public acknowledgment of Ted's disability pained my mother 这一下大家都知道了特德的残疾(DB),这让母亲非常痛苦。