We also reviewed the related literature on complications and pulmonary artery injury during central venous catheterization. 我们回顾了有关中心静脉导管置放过程中造成的并发症与肺动脉(PA)受伤相关之文献报告。
Measurement of ventricular function, pulmonary artery size, and pulmonary artery blood flow were obtained. 测得其心室功能、肺动脉(PA)直径和肺动脉(PA)血流情况。
All babies are born with this connection between the aorta and the pulmonary artery. 所有的孩子出生时在主动脉和肺动脉(PA)之间都有这个通道(动脉导管)。
Cuff techniques were introduced in anastomosis of bronchus, pulmonary artery, and pulmonary vein. 采用三“袖套”套管法吻合肺动、静脉和支气管,完成移植。
We describe a48-year-old man with interruption of left pulmonary artery with atrial septal defect and right side aortic arch. 我们报告一位四十八岁的男性病人,具有左侧肺动脉(PA)中断合并心房中隔缺损及右侧主动脉弓。