Preterm birth and low birth weight ( lbw ) are major determinants of infant morbidity and mortality. 早产与低出生体重(BW)是婴儿期疾病率与死亡率的重要决定因素。
Malaria can result in miscarriage and low birth weight, especially during the first and second pregnancies. 疟疾可以导致流产和低出生体重(BW),尤其在第一胎和第二胎期间。
In pregnant women, it causes low birth weight. 在孕妇中,可造成低出生体重(BW)。
Birth weight of the piglets is positively related with average daily gain of the piglets and the growing-finishing pigs. 乳猪的出生重和以后仔猪和生长-肥育猪阶段的日增重正相关。
Secondhand smoke has been linked to cancer, low birth weight and chronic lung-related illnesses, particularly in children. 二手烟和癌症、婴儿出生体重(BW)不足,以及慢性肺部疾病都有关联,尤其是对儿童。