They also did ultrasound and other tests to measure blood vessel function and the thickness of the artery wall. 他们还进行了超声波和其他测试,衡量血管(BV)的作用和动脉血管(BV)的厚度。
Also, kidney disease increases your risk of having heart and blood vessel disease. 此外,肾脏疾病的危险增加了心脏和血管(BV)疾病。
Pycnogenol? boosts the immune system and it strengthens blood vessel walls and capillaries. 是你那青碧的草原。碧萝芷?强化免疫系统、管壁和毛细血管(BV)。
It leads to inflammation, blood vessel damage and stiffening. 它会导致炎症,血管(BV)损伤和硬化。
The study analyzed the largest number of samples to date in tumor vasculature, or blood vessel, profiling. 研究分析了大量的肿瘤脉管系统或血管(BV)、剖面的样本数。