You must restart the Routing and Remote Access service for this change to take effect. 您必须重新启动路由和远程访问服务(RAS),这个更改才会生效。
The Routing and Remote Access service cannot be installed because of the following error. 由于以下错误,未能安装路由和远程访问服务(RAS)。
The Routing and Remote Access service cannot be stopped. Installation cannot continue. 未能停止路由和远程访问服务(RAS)。安装无法继续。
Before users can dial-in to the network from a remote location, you must first configure the server to accept Remote Access Service(RAS) calls. 用户可以远程拨号到网络之前,必须首先将服务器配置为可接受远程访问服务(RAS)呼叫。
When you click Next, this wizard will start the Routing and Remote Access service and then start the Demand-Dial Interface Wizard. 单击下一步,此向导将启动路由和远程访问服务(RAS),然后启动请求拨号接口向导。