PAP ( Password Authentication Protocol(PAP), used with PPP in which the password is sent to the client as clear text for comparison ); PAP(PasswordAuthenticationProtocol,密码验证协议(PAP),与PPP一起使用,在此机制下,密码以明文形式被发送到客户机进行比较);
This paper analyses a one-time password authentication protocol and points out its deficiency. 该文分析了一种一次性口令认证方案,指出了其存在的不足;
Our proposed scheme can significantly improve the efficiency of the multi-server password authentication protocol with more user-friendly properties such that it can be applied in the real world. 4. 我们提出的方案显著提高了多服务器口令认证协议的效率,具有更多方便用户使用的特性,所以更适合于在现实世界中应用。
A Hash - based Secure Strong - password Authentication Protocol 一种安全高效的强口令认证协议
The Security Remote Password protocol is an identity authentication protocol based on verifier, which has the security property with Zero-knowledge password proofs. 远程安全密钥协议基于鉴别符认证技术,具有零知识证明性。