In 2011, there were 237 piracy-related events in the waters off Somalia, according to the International Maritime Bureau(IMB), which monitors piracy and the effect on commercial shipping. 据国际海事局(IMB)(InternationalMaritimeBureau)说,2011年,索马里附近海域发生237起与海盗有关的事件。该组织监控海盗活动及其给商业航运活动带来的影响。
To deal with the increasing attacks, the International Maritime Bureau(IMB) says the region's naval presence needs to be increased. 为了应付增加中的海盗事件,国际海事局(IMB)说,这个地区的海军驻防必须增强。
This year has seen 77 attacks on vessels in the Gulf of Aden, with 31 hijacked, according to the international maritime bureau, which monitors piracy. 负责监控海盗行为的国际海事局(IMB)(internationalmaritimebureau)数据显示,今年,亚丁湾来往船舶已发生77起袭击,31起劫持事件。