Afterall, Sumerian(SUX) and other Near Eastern civilizations were conquered and replaced by other empires. 毕竟,闪族人和其他近东文明被征服和被其他帝国取代。
Sumerian(SUX) myth, Hittites myth, a myth of their letters have a great impact. 苏美尔神话、赫梯神话、迦南神话对其都有巨大的影响。
I have a Sumerian(SUX) document that's been translated that tells exactly how to build a flying saucer and it's a direct translation. 我有一个经过翻译了的苏美尔人(SUX)的文件,精确地讲述了如何建造一个飞碟,不过是直译的。
So too the stories of Moses and of Samson have Sumerian(SUX) and Babylonian parallels. 同样,关于摩西和参孙的传说在苏美尔和巴比伦也有相似的版本。
Originally, ancient Sumerian(SUX) and ancient Egyptian symbols existed, but only Chinese characters remain today. 原本,也有古代苏米人与埃及人的符号,可是只有中国文字保留至今。