Basque(EUS) people; of no known relation to any other language. 巴斯克(EUS)人的语言;和任何语言都没有关系。
It could draw on credit unions and mutual organisations such as Mondragon, the Basque(EUS) Federation of worker co-operatives. 该团体可能会鼓励信用合作社和互助组织,例如巴斯克(EUS)工人合作联合会蒙德拉贡(mondragon)。
They want a separate Basque(EUS) state. 他们想要一个独立的巴斯克(EUS)国。
I think that Basque(EUS) needed the chairs for the drawing-room. 我想巴斯克(EUS)客厅里需要扶手椅吧!
Some media have reported that members of the Basque(EUS) separatist group, ETA, might be involved. 部分媒体报道说巴斯克(EUS)分离组织ETA可能与此有关。