This ignored the crimes of others, external and internal, in car, as well as any misdeeds by Mr Bemba(BEM) in Congo. 这就忽略了其他人的罪行,不管他们是不是中非共和国人;同时也忽略了本巴(BEM)在刚果犯下的罪行。
But his44.8 % of the vote was not enough to win in the first round, so he will have to face Jean-Pierre bemba, a former ugandan-backed rebel and one of congo's four current vice-presidents, in a run-off in october. 但是他44.8%的得票率并不足以使他在第一轮选举中获胜,因此他将不得不在10月份的淘汰性选举中面对前乌干达反叛者,现为刚果四位副总统之一的简?皮埃尔。
The presidency accuses Mr Bemba(BEM) of provoking the violence by bringing armed men into his riverside house, just down the road from Mr Kabila's office. 而总统则指责说本巴(BEM)通过向他在河边的位于卡比拉办公室以南的家中派遣武装人员来挑起冲突。
At one point, his men attacked Mr Bemba(BEM)'s house while the head of the UN peacekeeping mission and most of Kinshasa's diplomatic corps were inside trying to fix a ceasefire. 因为他的人在联合国维和小组首脑以及金沙萨的大多数外交团体正在本巴(BEM)府邸力图达成一项停火协定时袭击了那里。