To import from Russia, a Ukrainian(UK) firm needs Russian roubles. 要从俄罗斯进口商品,乌克兰公司就需要俄罗斯卢布。
A roar of approval resounded through the Ukrainian(UK) parliament 一片赞成声在乌克兰议会中回响。
Pro-Russian militias have detained European observers and seized Ukrainian(UK) security officers. 前俄民兵拘留了欧洲观察员,抓捕了乌克兰保安人员。
This is a Ukrainian(UK) company that manufactures cargo and firefighting aircraft. 这是一家生产货物和消防飞机的乌克兰公司。
Both Ukrainian(UK) and US intelligence officials have briefed politicians and officials on this course of events over the weekend. 乌克兰和美国情报官员都在周末期间向政界人士和官员们通报了这一事件经过。