Essential services were provided by Serbian(SR) workers bussed in from outside the province. 一些基本的服务是由从外省乘坐大巴来的塞尔维亚工人提供的。
Draskovic has emerged as the strongest challenger to the leader of the Serbian(SR) government 德拉什科维奇一跃成为塞尔维亚政府领导人最大的挑战者。
Former Serbian(SR) president Slobodan Milosevic also went before the tribunal, but he died during his trial. 塞尔维亚前总统斯洛博丹米洛舍维奇(SlobodanMilosevic)也接受了审判,但是在审判过程中死亡。
At school they have always been taught in Serbian(SR). 在学校他们接受了塞尔维亚语的教育。
But Serbian(SR) President Boris Tadic immediately denounced the declaration as unilateral and illegal. 塞尔维亚总统塔迪奇马上谴责了科索沃的独立,说这是单方面的、非法的行为。