Although I do hope that, by then, it won't be necessary to learn Pashto(PS). 不过我也非常希望,即便到那个时候,你也没有必要去学普什图语(PS)。
The health ministry has adapted WHO family planning guidelines to the Afghan situation, with the support of WHO, and translated them into national languages, Dari and Pashto(PS). 卫生部在世卫组织的支持下,已根据阿富汗的情况改编了世卫组织计划生育指南,并将它们翻译成本国语言:达里语和普什图语(PS)。
I studied Pashto(PS) with my jailer, who promised, as a Pashtun, to protect me from other Taliban groups. 我向看守学普什图语(PS),对方是个普什图族人,答应要保护我,不让其它塔利班派别伤害我。
Pashto(PS) is the senior of the two state languages of Afghanistan, article 20 of whose constitution states that the Afghan National Anthem shall be in Pashto(PS). 普什图语(PS)是阿富汗两种官方语言中地位较高的一种,该国宪法第20条规定,阿富汗国歌将采用普什图语(PS)。