Tao Pei, 22, spent her first month in Beijing as a trade specialist at a food company faxing and photocopying. 陶培(音译)今年22岁,在北京的一家食品公司做贸易工作,第一个月她的工作只是不停地发传真和复印资料。
This is the first time in seven years I've seen the Commission invite member states to come in for a talk, said one European trade specialist, who said there had been an excess of horse-trading surrounding the case, even by Brussels standards. 这是七年来我第一次看到欧盟委员会邀请成员国前来对话,一位欧洲贸易专家(TS)说。这位专家表示,即使以欧盟的标准来衡量,围绕此事的讨价还价也已过头了。
" In the end, in many member states, it will be decided at the highest levels, " the trade specialist said. “归根结底,在许多欧盟成员国,相关决策将由最高领导层作出,”前文提及的贸易专家(TS)表示。
100 % income from trade routes and a free priest specialist in the city where the wonder is built. 增加贸易收入100%,给予建造的城市一个免费的牧师。
' Steel is at the center of trade controversy, ' says Scott Kennedy, a China specialist at Indiana University. 印第安那大学(IndianaUniversity)大学中国问题专家肯尼迪(ScottKennedy)称,钢铁处在贸易争议的中心。