Objective To explore the regulatory mechanism of gastrin and motilin on sling fibers and clasp fibers of human lower esophageal sphincter. 目的探讨胃泌素和胃动素对人类食管下括约肌(LES)的套索纤维和钩状纤维的作用规律。
Metoclopramide also increases the resting tone of the lower esophageal sphincter for the management of GERD. 胃复安也增加了较低的GERD的食管括约肌静息管理的基调。
Metoclopramide increases the tone of the lower esophageal sphincter as well as facilitating gastric emptying. 胃复安促进胃排空的同时可以增加食道下端括约肌张力。
The lower esophageal sphincter pressure decreased significantly. 食管下端括约肌压力显著下降。
Conclusion LHT is a useful procedure for straightening the esophagus, reducing lower esophageal sphincter pressure, and relieving dysphagia in patients with achalasia. 结论LHT是非常有效的治疗贲门失弛缓症的方法,有助于降低食管下端括约肌压力和缓解患者的吞咽困难。