As an independent type of painting, the Dutch landscape originated in Netherlands in the 17th century. 风景画作为一个独立的画种是在17世纪的荷兰产生的。
Mr Timmermans finds several reasons for Dutch Euro-disillusionment : the transition of the Netherlands in the1990s from a net recipient of EU funds into a big contributor; 迪莫曼斯先生为荷兰的欧元美梦破灭找到了几个原因:荷兰在1990年代是欧元资金的净流入国,现在却已经成为欧元资金的巨额净流出国了;
At the other extreme is the Dutch auction, familiar to17th-century tulip-traders in the Netherlands as well as to bidders for American Treasury bonds. 另外一种形式是荷兰式拍卖,它是十七世纪荷兰的郁金香商人以及今天竞拍美国国库券竞标人所熟悉的一种拍卖形式。
In the past Dutch people were proud to have foreigners living in The Netherlands, but today the Dutch have become afraid of cultures they do not understand. 在过去,荷兰人非常骄傲有外国人住在荷兰,但是现今荷兰人变得开始害怕接触他们所不了解的文化。
Give them credit : The Dutch have chosen one of the few sports that a country of the Netherlands ' size could dominate, since only about five nations are even competitive in speedskating. 荷兰队之所以能够异军突起,要归功于他们选择了为数不多的一个像荷兰这样大的国家能够占据主导优势的体育项目,索契冬奥会上参加速滑比赛的国家只有大约五个。