China has been investing heavily in missile technology, including the development of longer-range intercontinental ballistic missiles. 中国一直在大力投资开发导弹技术(MT),包括开发远程洲际弹道导弹。
Ballistic missile technology and rocket science. 弹道技火箭研究。
Iran says its surface-to-surface missile technology is advanced and can respond to Israeli attacks. 伊朗表示,其地对地导弹技术(MT)非常先进,能够对以色列的袭击作出反击。
But it will breach a UN Security Council resolution banning the country from testing ballistic missile technology. 但是,这次发射将违反联合国安理会(unsecuritycouncil)关于禁止朝鲜试验弹道导弹技术(MT)的决议。
He said there was not enough evidence that China did provide missile technology to the two countries. 他说,现在还没有足够的证据来证实中国确实向这2个国家输出导弹技术(MT)。