International Deep Sea Drilling Project(DSDP) / Ocean Drilling Programme 国际深海钻探计划/大洋钻探计划
Achievements made by Deep Sea Drilling Project(DSDP) ( DSDP ) and Ocean Drilling Program ( ODP ) in the Antarctic and Arctic regions are the focus of world attention, opening a new insight for the past global change study. 南极和北极海域的深海钻探(DSDP)和大洋钻探(ODP)研究所取得的成就是举世瞩目的,为人类研究过去全球变化打开了新的视野。
Because of the special environment in deep sea, the cost of deep-water drilling and completion is very high, and the ultimate goal of each project is how we can achieve the best desired output of offshore drilling and completion. 由于海上深水的特殊产油环境,使得深水钻完井的投入成本非常之高,如何能优快的钻完井以达到理想的产量是每个海上钻完井项目所追求的终极目标。