China and Australia have signed a landmark free trade agreement that follows about a decade of negotiations. 中国和澳大利亚经过大约10年的谈判,签署了一项具有里程碑意义的自由贸易协定(FTA)。
China and Australia have signed the long-awaited free trade agreement ( FTA ) in Canberra on Wednesday afternoon. 中国和澳大利亚当地时间17日下午在堪培拉签订了期待已久的《中澳自由贸易协定(FTA)》。
This past week, I was proud to sign the Central American-Dominican Republic Free Trade Agreement(FTA). 过去的一周,我很自豪的签署了美国和多米尼加共和国自由贸易协议。
WTO membership is a prerequisite to a free trade agreement between Ukraine and the EU. 获得世贸组织成员国身份,是乌克兰与欧盟签订自由贸易协定(FTA)的先决条件。
That is why President Bush says it is time for Congress to pass a free trade agreement with Colombia. 因此,美国总统布什指出现在是国会应该通过和哥伦比亚的自由贸易协定(FTA)的时候了。