I am now retired but the greater part of my working life has been with The Australian Broadcasting Corporation(ABC), a large government-funded Radio and Television Company. 我现在已经退休了,退休前我在澳大利亚广播公司(ABC)工作了好多年,这是一个由政府投资的大型广播电视公司。
And, according to NASA and the Australian Broadcasting Corporation(ABC), some of them were identified as rectangular agricultural plots that have been dried out by several years of drought in Australia. 而且,据美国宇航局和澳大利亚广播公司(ABC)的说法,已经识别出它们中的一些是由于澳大利亚几年干旱而干涸的矩形农业地块。
China could soon be facing a sub-prime housing crisis on a much larger scale than the United States, Australian Broadcasting Corporation(ABC) ( ABC ) reported. 澳大利亚广播公司(ABC)报道称,中国可能会面临比美国规模还大的次级房地产危机。
Medical professionals in Germany may have stumbled across a possible cure for AIDS after treating a man for cancer, The Australian Broadcasting Corporation(ABC) reported. 德国首都柏林的医生们惊奇地发现,他们给这位白血病患者进行的骨髓移植同时也治好了他的艾滋病。
Ms Sanson-Rejouis's stepsister, Caroline Larnach, told the Australian Broadcasting Corporation(ABC) that the little girl was needed medical help. 艾米丽的异父姐姐凯若琳告诉澳洲广播公司说,救回的阿雅那急需医疗救治。