Use a 3 amp fuse for equipment up to 720 watts. 功率不超过720瓦的设备用3安培的保险丝。
A 40 watt bulb would be quite sufficient and would not obtrude 40瓦的灯泡完全够亮了,并且不会晃眼。
Watt(W), and for your decision of employing me. 瓦,和你的雇用我的决定。
Watt(W) invented the steam engine and improved it, after that the British Empire began a thorough industrial revolution. 在瓦特(W)发明和改进了蒸汽机之后,大英帝国开始展开了彻底的工业革命。
In this paper, the design project of a new type electronic time sharing Watt(W) hour meter is presents. 本文介绍一种全电子式复费率电度表的设计方案,给出了其工作原理、硬件配置和软件设计。