Ankara replaces Constantinople as the capital of Turkey. 1923年的今天,安卡拉取代君士坦丁堡成为土耳其的首都。
He said this was Ankara's final word and that unless the violence ceased, Turkey would break off all dialogue. 他说,这是安卡拉的最后立场,除非停止暴力,否则土耳其将断绝所有对话。
Ankara accuses the PKK of using neighboring Northern Iraq as a base to launch strikes against its forces in Turkey. 安卡拉指责库尔德工人党把邻近的伊拉克北部做为基地,向土耳其军队发动袭击。
Tehran and Ankara also signed a MOU on the basis of which the Turkmenistan's gas would be transferred via Iran to Turkey to be piped to Europe. 拉德黑兰和安卡拉还签署了关于在此基础上,土库曼斯坦的天然气将通过伊朗到土耳其,通过管道输送到欧洲的谅解备忘录。
Ankara is also at the forefront of establishing a regional market and bloc in the Middle East through a broad set of agreements jointly signed between Turkey, Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria. 安卡拉也处在前列叙利亚签署土耳其,约旦,黎巴嫩,建立区域共同市场集团协议在中东通过广泛的一套。