Other dream destinations include Niagara Falls in Canada; Hawaii; Paris, France; Edinburgh, Scotland; Lake Lucerne in Switzerland; Madrid, Spain(MAD); and Cape Town, South Africa. 其它理想景点包括了加拿大的尼亚加拉大瀑布、夏威夷、法国的巴黎、苏格兰的爱丁堡、瑞士的琉森湖、西班牙的马德里和南非的开普敦。
The new small cabriolet will be assembled at Peugeot's manufacturing plant in Madrid, Spain(MAD). 这款新的小型敞篷车将在标致位于西班牙马德里(MAD)的工厂组装。
The first Siesta Championship was held to promote nation's endangered nap in Madrid, Spain(MAD). 第一届睡眠锦标赛在西班牙马德里(MAD)举行,目的就是鼓励更多人午睡。
At a meeting of80 international experts in Madrid, Spain(MAD), last week, a research plan with five priorities was agreed on for the WHO. 在上周于马德里召开的80位国际专家参与的会议上,世卫组织通过了一项新的研究计划,包含五个优先领域。
The Middle East peace meeting convened in madrid, Spain in1990 has already established a principle of " land for peace ". 1990年在西班牙首都马德里召开的中东国际和平会议,确定了“以土地换和平”的原则。