Gates spoke on his way to Krakow, Poland(KRK) for a meeting of NATO defense ministers. 盖茨是在前往波兰克拉科夫(KRK)出席北约国防部长会议途中说这番话的。
Close behind Dresden in the list of cities with good hotels were Hanoi in Vietnam, Tokyo, Chicago, and Krakow in Poland. 拥有最佳宾馆的城市排名中,仅次于德累斯顿的是越南河内、东京、芝加哥以及波兰克拉科夫(KRK)。
Schindler owned a factory in Krakow, Poland(KRK), during World War Two and relied on Jewish labour to run the plant. 辛德勒在二战期间,在波兰克拉科夫(KRK)有一间工厂,并靠犹太工人运作。
The ceremony is to be held in Krakow, in southeastern Poland. 葬礼定于在波兰东南部的克拉科夫举行。