A sculpture made out of bicycles is seen at the Gdansk Shipyard during the30th anniversary celebrations of the Solidarity movement in Gdansk, Poland(GDN). 一个用自行车做成的雕塑出现在波兰格旦斯克造船厂。这个“自行车雕塑”是为了庆祝格旦斯克造船厂团结运动三十周年而建的。
For instance, long legs in women could be a visual clue of fitness for childbirth, with research at Gdansk University in Poland suggesting that taller women have wider pelvises, allowing easier births and larger birth-weight babies. 举例而言,腿长的女性可能被认为适合生小孩。波兰格但斯克(GDN)大学的研究表明,高个女性的骨盆更宽,那么也就更容易生育&尤其是个头大的婴儿。