Escombe and colleagues studied eight hospitals in Lima, Peru(LIM) for three years. Escombe和他的同事用3年时间研究了秘鲁首都利马的8家医院。
The International Tattoo Convention in Lima, Peru(LIM), attracted artists from across the world. 日前在秘鲁首都利马举行的国际纹身大会吸引了来自世界各地的纹身艺术家。
A female mummy wearing a mask is on show at a museum in Lima, Peru(LIM), Sept.3,2008. 9月3日,一具头戴面罩的女性木乃伊在秘鲁首都利马一博物馆展出。
But as climate negotiators meet in Lima, Peru(LIM), this week and next, and news reports are full of gloomy predictions that the negotiations will produce little, there are increasing signs that this stalemate may have been broken. 对于本周和下周在秘鲁首都利马举行的气候谈判,虽然新闻报道充满了悲观预测,认为它几乎不会取得任何成果,但有越来越多的迹象表明,僵局可能会被打破。
Thousands of ancient Inca mummies, some bundled together in small groups with their possessions, have been discovered beneath a shantytown near Lima, Peru(LIM). 秘鲁利玛市贫民窟出土了几千具古代印加木乃伊,有些木乃伊被包裹在一起,其中还发现了陪葬品。