A few days later, disaster struck at Fukushima in Japan. 数日后,灾难降临日本的福岛(Fukushima)。
The International Atomic Energy Agency says radiation is still leaking from the earthquake-stricken nuclear plant at Fukushima in Japan, but scientists are unsure exactly where it's coming from. 国际原子能机构称,遭受地震破坏的日本福岛(FKS)核电站的放射物仍然在泄露,但是科学家还不确定泄露来自哪里。
With virtually no conventional fossil fuels of its own and a nuclear industry crippled by Fukushima, Japan(FKS) has been keen to develop sources of energy, however speculative. 由于日本自身几乎没有任何常规化石燃料,而核能工业又受到了福岛核事故的严重打击,日本一直热衷于开发各种能源,不管有多冒险。
After the Fukushima disaster, Japan shut down most of its reactors and said it would move to renewables. 福岛灾难发生后,日本关闭了大部分的核反应堆,表示会转向可再生能源。
It is too early to say what long - term impact the Fukushima disaster in Japan will have on plans for new nuclear power plants. 若要判定日本福岛(FKS)核灾难将对新建核电厂计划产生哪些长期影响,还为时尚早。