He spoke in Dresden, Germany(DRS) after talks with German Chancellor Angela Merkel. 奥巴马在跟德国总理墨克尔在德累斯顿会谈之后发表了上述言论。
In1911, the Richard Strauss opera " der rosenkavalier " premiered in dresden, germany. 1911年,理查史特劳斯歌剧“蔷薇骑士”于德国德雷斯敦首映。
The development of the DB2-based PDB was done in the Structural Bioinformatics research group of Maria Teresa Pisabarro, Biotechnology Center, Technical University Dresden, Germany(DRS). 基于DB2的PDB的开发由德国德累斯顿(DRS)工业大学生物技术中心MariaTeresaPisabarro的结构生物信息学研究小组完成。
For one thing, it left introductory astronomy students completely baffled, says Sergei klioner, an astronomer at the Technical University of Dresden in Germany. 首先,它使刚入道的天文学大学生完全摸不着头脑,德国的德累斯顿技术大学的天文学家谢尔盖克隆奈尔说。
A staff member of the Dresden State Art Collections admired a17th century Ottoman tent in Dresden, Germany(DRS), Monday. 德雷斯顿国家艺术收藏馆的一名工作人员在仰望一座17世纪奥斯曼帝国的帐篷篷顶。